Crafting a strategy within two months with the internal team



Time line

Two months

Develop a strategy to close a deficit of Rs. 5 Billion within five years with a team who had to experience in strategic planning

This public sector entity approached us to develop a strategy for them. The strategic goal was to eliminate an annual deficit of Rs. 5 Billion within five years. They wanted to eliminate the dependency on public funds. The challenges were;

  1. we did not know anything about their business
  2. they did not had any experience in strategic planning
  3. they wanted to develop the strategy within two months

We undertook the project.

Requested them to select a team from their organization who aspire this change. They selected a group of 24 officers at different level and who had some desire to take the organization to different level. We know it was the structure that gives capability to any, starting from ourselves. If not for the muscular skeleton structure, we will not have capabilities as we do, organizations as well gets the capability from the structure. So we developed a structure for the team that was given to us. We created following teams out of 24 officers;

  1. Sponsoring team– who makes the final decision on the strategy and commit resources to the project
  2. Corporate strategy team (Incremental)
  3. Corporate strategy team (Breakthrough)
  4. Product strategy team
  5. Technology strategy team
  6. HR strategy team
  7. Project management and research team

The basis we went into to rough waters is that they know the business and we know strategy making, thus we could synergize. In fact the strategy worked and together we performed some in-depth analysis and used following tools in strategy making.

  1. Identification of competitive strategy with VARIO analysis
  2. Locating the sweet spot
  3. SCAMPER analysis
  4. Persona canvas
  5. Segment attractiveness and resource strength analysis
  6. Context analysis on acts and emerging opportunities
  7. BCG Metrix
  8. Perceptual positioning of products
  9. Brand identity prism
  10. Technology road map analysis
  11. Competency development
  12. Development of Vision and Mission for the future
  13. Customer touch point analysis
  14.  Service blue print analysis
  15. Serv qual gaps model
  16. Leadership competency modeling
  17. Strategy mapping
  18. Operations modeling
  19. Value chain analysis for effectiveness
  20. Digital maturity analysis
  21. Vision deployment analysis.

When the entire exercise was concluded, at the final session they expressed their experience. They experienced ambiguities at the mid process. Even they have gone and complained to the head of the entity as they do not know where the project is heading. However at the end, they claimed now everything is crystalized and are happy of what they have created.



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